Stumbling Through PV

“Even if you stumble, you are still moving forward.” This is my go-to quote when life’s difficulties arise. Hearing the words, you’ve got cancer
multiple times will make you feel like you are stumbling through life. The question is how do you stop the feeling of stumbling through a
cancer diagnosis?

In November 2017, I came back from a 200-mile bike ride and felt a little more fatigued and weak than usual. My platelets were in the high 700 range. Docs initially thought this was from inflammation from my bike ride. After a number of blood tests and a bone marrow biopsy, I was initially diagnosed with Essential Thrombocytosis. My diagnosis changed two years ago to Polycythemia Vera. In retrospect, I truly believe I was having symptoms long before my diagnosis. Learning how to manage your symptoms takes a lot of trial and error and patience. Being open to making a little change in your daily routine here and there to manage some of your symptoms is really helpful. When you try something different, write down the change and try that change for a week or so. If the change works for you, move forward. If not, try to find another little tweak of change to help you with your symptoms.

Some of my most challenging symptoms initially were itchy skin, fatigue, and gut issues. Some tweaks to my daily routine such as increased hydration, tweaking of my diet, taking lukewarm & quick showers, and being active most days, have really helped me. Additionally, my current medications and an occasional phlebotomy have really helped manage most of my symptoms. On a day when your symptoms are challenging, just give yourself some grace and relax. Remember as we age, not every little symptom we experience is related to our MPNs.
Finally, a cancer journey is never easy and can feel like you are stumbling through life. When you stumble, you have to learn how to get back up and move on which can be challenging. For me, my attitude about my PV diagnosis now is, that this is just a little stumble on life’s road. That helps me move forward and focus on living every day in this journey called life.

Posted in Patient Story.


  1. You are so welcome! I have been dealing with cancer for 22 years. Learning to manage symptoms and medicine side effects is a constant learning experience.

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