Dr Kishtagari on JAK Inhibitor Selection for Myelofibrosis in the Community Setting

John Mascarenhas, MD

John Mascarenhas, MD, professor, medicine, Icahn School of Medicine, Mount Sinai, director, Center of Excellence for Blood Cancers and Myeloid Disorders, member, The Tisch Cancer Institute, Mount Sinai, discusses phase 3 of the SENTRY (NCT04562389) trial, a global, multicenter, phase 1/3 study evaluating the efficacy and safety of selinexor (Xpovio) when given in combination with ruxolitinib (Jakafi) in patients with JAK inhibitor treatment-naive myelofibrosis.

The study is being conducted in 2 phases. In phase 1, the open-label portion of the study, enrollment has been completed and the safety and recommended dose of selinexor plus ruxolitinib was studied. Phase 1a utilized a standard 3+3 design, and phase 1b was the dose-expansion part. Phase 3 of the trial is enrolling patients with JAK inhibitor treatment-naive myelofibrosis and randomizing them 2:1 to receive the combination therapy of selinexor with ruxolitinib or placebo with ruxolitinib.

In phase 3, the primary end points are the proportion of patients with spleen volume reduction of greater than or equal to 35% at week 24, and the proportion of patients with a total symptom score reduction of greater than or equal to 50% at week 24, as measured by the myelofibrosis symptom assessment form V4.0.

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Safety and efficacy of luspatercept for the treatment of anemia in patients with myelofibrosis

By: Aaron Gerds, Claire Harrison, Jean-Jacques Kiladjian, Ruben Mesa, Alessandro Vannucchi, Rami Komrokji, Prithviaj Bose, Marina Kremyanskaya, Adam Mead, Jason Gotlib, Shelonitda Rose, Fabian Sanabria, Niloufar Marsousi, Ana Giuseppi, Huijing Jiang, Jeanne Palmer , Kelly McCaul, Vincent Ribrag, Francesco Passamonti

The ACE-536-MF-001 trial enrolled patients with myelofibrosis (n = 95) into 4 cohorts: patients in
cohorts 1 and 3A were non-transfusion dependent (NTD) and had anemia; patients in cohorts 2 and 3B
were transfusion dependent (TD); patients in cohort 3A/3B had stable ruxolitinib treatment prior to
and during the study. All patients received luspatercept (1.0-1.75 mg/kg, 21-day cycles). Treatment
was extended if clinical benefit was observed at day 169. The primary endpoint was anemia response
rate (NTD, {greater than or equal to}1.5 g/dL hemoglobin increase from baseline; TD, transfusionindependence) over any 12-week period during the primary treatment period (weeks 1-24). Overall, 14% of patients in cohorts 1 and 3A, 10% in cohort 2, and 26% in cohort 3B met the primary
endpoint. In cohorts 1 and 3A (NTD), 27% and 50% of patients respectively had mean hemoglobin
increase {greater than or equal to}1.5 g/dL from baseline. Among TD patients, ~50% had {greater
than or equal to}50% reduction in transfusion burden. Reduction in total symptom score was observed
in all cohorts, with the greatest response rate seen in cohort 3A. Overall, 94% of patients had
{greater than or equal to}1 adverse event (AE); 47% had {greater than or equal to}1 treatmentrelated AE (TRAE; 11% grade {greater than or equal to}3), most frequently hypertension (18%),
managed with medical intervention. One patient had a serious TRAE leading to luspatercept
discontinuation. Nine patients died on treatment (unrelated to study drug). In most patients,
ruxolitinib dose and spleen size remained stable. In patients with myelofibrosis, luspatercept
improved anemia and transfusion burden across cohorts.

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Pelabresib Plus Ruxolitinib Significantly Reduces Splenomegaly in Myelofibrosis

Kristi Rosa

Pelabresib (CPI-0610) plus ruxolitinib (Jakafi) significantly reduced splenomegaly, showed a trend toward a reduction in tumor symptom score (TSS) from baseline, and improved bone marrow fibrosis and anemia at week 24 compared with ruxolitinib alone in JAK inhibitor–naive patients with myelofibrosis, according to updated data from the phase 3 MANIFEST-2 study (NCT04603495) presented at the 2024 ASCO Annual Meeting.1

As previously presented at the 2023 ASH Annual Meeting, the trial met its primary end point when a higher percentage of those who received the doublet (n = 214) experienced a 35% or greater reduction in spleen volume (SVR35) at week 24 vs those given ruxolitinib alone (n = 216), at 65.9% and 35.2%, respectively (difference, 30.4; 95% CI, 21.6-39.3; < .001).2 The mean percentage change in spleen volume at week 24 in the pelabresib/ruxolitinib arm was -50.6% (95% CI, -53.2% to -48.0%) vs -30.6% (95% CI, -33.7% to -27.5%) in the ruxolitinib-alone arm.

When looking at all responders who achieved SVR35 response, the proportion who lost response at any point in the pelabresib/ruxolitinib arm was 13.4% and more than double in the ruxolitinib-alone arm, at 27.8%. When examining the criteria of loss of SVR35 response plus a spleen volume increase greater than 25% from nadir, this occurred in 9.3% and 14.8% of patients, respectively. Notably, SVR35 response was consistently higher with the doublet vs the monotherapy across all predefined subgroups and across hematologic subgroups.

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Cytopenias/Proliferation Define Outcomes for Patients With Primary MF and MF from Essential Thrombocythemia or PV

Amber Denham


According to research presented at the 2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) annual meeting, cytopenias and/or proliferation, rather than JAK2V617F (JAK2) allele burden </≥50%, correlate with the outcomes of patients with primary myelofibrosis (PMF) and patients with MF from essential thrombocythemia or polycythemia vera (PPV/PET-MF). In addition, all patients were noted to display improved survival with ruxolitinib treatment.

Myelodepleted MF, which is characterized by cytopenias, lower JAK2 allele burden, and shorter benefit from JAK-inhibitor ruxolitinib, exhibits worse overall survival (OS) compared to myeloproliferative MF. In addition, lower JAK2 and inferior OS is generally more typical for patients with primary MF (PMF) as compared with patients with MF from essential thrombocythemia or polycythemia vera (PPV/PET-MF).

“We sought to investigate the impact of JAK2 (</≥ 50%), cytopenias and the use of ruxolitinib in outcome of PMF/PPV-PET-MF patients from our center,” explained Julie Braish, MBBCh, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas and colleagues.

To determine these results, study authors retrospectively reviewed the medical charts of 601 patients with JAK2-mutated MF (known JAK2%). Patients were divided based on the absence (-) or presence (+) of cytopenias (hemoglobin < 10 g/dL or platelets < 100 x109/L) and leukocytosis (WBC ≥ 25 x109/L) into: grade 1 = (-)/(-) [absence of both]; grade 2 = (-)/(+) [proliferative]; grade 3 = (+)/(-) [cytopenic]; grade 4 = (+)/(+) [cytopenic and proliferative]) and evaluated overall survival (OS) per JAK2 </≥ 50% and PMF vs PPV/PET-MF. Investigators assessed the tolerance of ruxolitinib ≥3 years by utilizing descriptive statistics, Kaplan-Meier curve with log-rank test and regression analysis for demographics, estimation of OS and its comparison.

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Dr Gerds on Updated Data for Pelabresib Plus Ruxolitinib in JAK Inhibitior–Naive Myelofibrosis

Author(s): Aaron Gerds, MD

May 31, 2024

Aaron Gerds, MD, assistant professor in medicine, Hematology and Medical Oncology, Cleveland Clinic Taussig Cancer Institute, discusses updated efficacy and safety results from the phase 3 MANIFEST-2 trial (NCT04603495) of pelabresib (CPI-0610) plusruxolitinib (Jakafi) in patients with JAK inhibitor–naive myelofibrosis.

Previously reported data from the randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, showed that the combination of pelabresib and ruxolitinib produced a statistically significant and clinically meaningful improvement in spleen volume reduction of at least 35% (SVR35) from baseline vs placebo plus ruxolitinib in patients with treatment-naive disease.

At the 2024 ASCO Annual Meeting, Gerds and colleagues reported data reaffirming these initial topline results, emphasizing their consistency over time. Among patients who achieved SVR35, 13.4% in the combination arm lost their splenic response compared with 27.8% of patients treated in the placebo arm.

Notably, the proportion of patients achieving both SVR35 and a reduction in tumor symptom score of at least 50% (TSS50) was also evaluated, Gerds states. In the combination therapy group, 40.2% of patients achieved both end points vs 18.5% with ruxolitinib alone, he reports. Gerds posits that the difference in rates of TSS50 may not be as pronounced between the combination therapy and ruxolitinib alone because single-agent ruxolitinib is highly effective in reducing symptoms; however, the higher proportion of patients achieving both end points with the combination therapy is noteworthy, he explains.

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Updated MANIFEST-2 Data With Pelabresib/Ruxolitinib Support Paradigm Shift in Myelofibrosis

Author(s): Kristi Rosa

May 31, 2024

The addition of pelabresib (CPI-0610) and ruxolitinib (Jakafi) led to a significant and durable reduction in splenomegaly, showed a trend toward reduced tumor symptom score (TSS) from baseline, and improved anemia and bone marrow fibrosis at week 24 vs ruxolitinib alone in JAK inhibitor–naive patients with myelofibrosis, according to updated data from the phase 3 MANIFEST-2 study (NCT04603495) presented at the 2024 ASCO Annual Meeting.1

As previously presented at the 2023 ASH Annual Meeting, the trial met its primary end point when a higher percentage of those who received the doublet (n = 214) experienced a 35% or greater reduction in spleen volume (SVR35) at week 24 vs those given ruxolitinib alone (n = 216), at 65.9% and 35.2%, respectively (difference, 30.4; 95% CI, 21.6-39.3; < .001).2 The mean percentage change in spleen volume at week 24 in the pelabresib/ruxolitinib arm was -50.6% (95% CI, -53.2% to -48.0%) vs -30.6% (95% CI, -33.7% to -27.5%) in the ruxolitinib-alone arm.

When looking at all responders who achieved SVR35 response, the proportion who lost response at any point in the pelabresib/ruxolitinib arm was 13.4% and more than double in the ruxolitinib-alone arm, at 27.8%. When examining the criteria of loss of SVR35 response plus a spleen volume increase greater than 25% from nadir, this occurred in 9.3% and 14.8% of patients, respectively. Notably, SVR35 response was consistently higher with the doublet vs the monotherapy across all predefined subgroups and across hematologic subgroups.

A strong trend for numerical decrease in absolute change in TSS from baseline at week 24 was observed with the doublet vs the monotherapy, at -15.99 and -14.05, translating to a mean difference of -1.94 points (95% CI, -3.92 to 0.04; = .0545). A higher proportion of patients who received the combination vs ruxolitinib alone achieved a 50% reduction in TSS (TSS50), at 52.3% vs 46.3% (difference, 6.0; 95% CI, -3.5 to 15.5; = .216); this difference did not reach statistical significance. A two-fold increase in patients who achieved both SVR35 and TSS50 responses was observed with pelabresib plus ruxolitinib vs ruxolitinib alone, at 40.2% and 18.5%, respectively.

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Azacitidine Plus Ruxolitinib Demonstrates ‘Promising’ Efficacy in Myelofibrosis

Amber Denham


Azacitidine in combination with ruxolitinib demonstrates promising efficacy for patients with myelofibrosis (MF), according to long-term follow-up results from a phase 2 clinical trial presented at the 2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual meeting.

The trial included adult patients aged ≥18 years with MF intermediate 1 to 2 or high-risk disease, measured by the Dynamic International Prognostic Scoring System (DIPSS). From March 2013 to October 2021, a total of 61 patients were treated in the trial. Patients had a median age of 66 years (46 to 87). The median hemoglobin was 10.1 g/dl (6.8 to 16.2) and bone marrow blasts 2% (0 to 14%). Overall, 14 (23%) patients had BM blasts ≥5%. Furthermore, JAK2 was mutated in 35 (57%) patients and 38 (62%) patients had intermediate-2 or high-risk DIPSS disease.

Study results showed an International Working Group-Myeloproliferative Neoplasms Research and Treatment (IWG-MRT) response occurred in 44 (72%) patients. A clinical improvement was noted in 37 (61%) patients, including IWG-MRT spleen reduction >50% in 28 (61%) of 46 patients with baseline length ≥5 cm below left costal margin, and 31 (61%) of 51 patients with baseline total symptom score (TSS) >12 having a >50% improvement in TSS 50. In addition, a partial response was seen in 4 patients and cytogenetic complete remission in 3 patients.

With a median follow-up of 93 months, median overall survival (OS) was 46 months (95% confidence interval [CI], 25 to 66), median event-free survival was 33 months (95% CI, 24 to 43), and median duration of any objective response was 43 months (95% CI, 24 to 62). It was noted that disease transformation to AML occurred in 14 (23%) patients with a median time to transformation of 19 months. In addition, 20 (33%) patients received a stem cell transplant (SCT), and 11 (55%) patients had intermediate-2/high-risk DIPPS disease. It was observed that patients in the Intermediate-2/high-risk DIPPS group who received a SCT showed a trend towards improved median OS vs those who did not receive a transplant (38 vs 27 months, P = .2).

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JAK Inhibitor–Based Combinations Could Represent the Next Frontier in Myelofibrosis

Ryan Scott

In an interview with OncLive® following the Vanderbilt Stem Cell Transplant and Cellular Therapy Symposium, Ashwin Kishtagari, MD, discussed advancements in the treatment of patients with intermediate-risk to high-risk myelofibrosis and highlighted recent data from the 2023 ASH Annual Meeting for combination therapies using JAK inhibitors.

Studies presented at the meeting included the phase 3 TRANSFORM-1 clinical trial (NCT04472598) evaluating navitoclax plus ruxolitinib (Jakafi), as well as the phase 3 MANIFEST-2 trial (NCT04603495) investigating pelabresib (CPI-0610) in combination with ruxolitinib.1,2

Kishtagari, who serves as an assistant professor of medicine in the Department of Hematology and Oncology at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, as well as a clinical research fellow in Bick Lab at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine in Nashville, Tennessee, provided further updates on JAK inhibitors for the treatment of patients with myelofibrosis in another interview with OncLive.

OncLive: How do you see the treatment paradigm for myelofibrosis evolving in the future?

Kishtagari: We have 4 JAK inhibitors which are FDA approved for the treatment of [patients with] myelofibrosis, with the first being ruxolitinib. Fedratinib [Inrebic] was the second agent approved in 2019. Pacritinib [Vonjo] was approved by the FDA in 2022, and momelotinib [Ojjaara]was approved in 2023.

We are moving toward combination therapies because our goal is to have a more significant improvement in splenomegaly response and symptom improvement. The whole field of myelofibrosis is moving toward combination therapy, especially for patients with higher- or intermediate-risk myelofibrosis.

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Sobi to present new myelofibrosis data at the ASCO 2024 Annual Meeting

WALTHAM, Mass., May 24, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Sobi North America, the North American affiliate of Swedish Orphan Biovitrum AB (Sobi®), today announced the presentation of three abstracts that highlights data from its myelofibrosis treatment option at the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting taking place in Chicago from May 31 – June 4, 2024.

Sobi’s commitment to delivering innovative treatments for people living with hematological diseases is seen in global studies spanning multiple rare disorders, including myelofibrosis.

A retrospective analysis will be presented that demonstrates the efficacy of pacritinib in spleen volume reduction, symptom benefit and red blood cell transfusion response, compared with best available therapy, in patients with myelofibrosis who have both thrombocytopenia and anemia.

An additional retrospective analysis will be presented that shows the substantial symptom benefit pacritinib provides compared with best available therapy or low-dose ruxolitinib, specifically in patients who required red blood cell transfusion at the time of pacritinib initiation. The number of patients experiencing treatment emergent Grade 3 anaemia was similar between pacritinib and BAT groups.

New real-world data will be presented that demonstrates treatment with pacritinib provides stability or improvement in thrombocytopenia and/or anemia in patients with myelofibrosis, regardless of baseline counts, and has favorable overall survival similar to other JAK inhibitor historical controls.

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JAK Inhibitor–Based Combinations Could Represent the Next Frontier in Myelofibrosis

Ryan Scott

In an interview with OncLive® following the Vanderbilt Stem Cell Transplant and Cellular Therapy Symposium, Ashwin Kishtagari, MD, discussed advancements in the treatment of patients with intermediate-risk to high-risk myelofibrosis and highlighted recent data from the 2023 ASH Annual Meeting for combination therapies using JAK inhibitors.

Studies presented at the meeting included the phase 3 TRANSFORM-1 clinical trial (NCT04472598)evaluating navitoclax plus ruxolitinib (Jakafi), as well as the phase 3 MANIFEST-2 trial (NCT04603495) investigating pelabresib (CPI-0610) in combination with ruxolitinib.1,2

Kishtagari, who serves as an assistant professor of medicine in the Department of Hematology and Oncology at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, as well as a clinical research fellow in Bick Lab at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine in Nashville, Tennessee, provided further updates on JAK inhibitors for the treatment of patients with myelofibrosis in another interview with OncLive.

OncLive: How do you see the treatment paradigm for myelofibrosis evolving in the future?

Kishtagari: We have 4 JAK inhibitors which are FDA approved for the treatment of [patients with] myelofibrosis, with the first being ruxolitinib. Fedratinib [Inrebic] was the second agent approved in 2019. Pacritinib [Vonjo] was approved by the FDA in 2022, and momelotinib [Ojjaara]was approved in 2023.

We are moving toward combination therapies because our goal is to have a more significant improvement in splenomegaly response and symptom improvement. The whole field of myelofibrosis is moving toward combination therapy, especially for patients with higher- or intermediate-risk myelofibrosis.

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