David told his story at the Cleveland MPN Patient Program in November
On a beautiful fall day in late August 2013, I received a call that changed the course of my life. The voice on the other end told me that they had reviewed my blood counts and determined that I had some sort of leukemia. They had pre-admitted me to the local hospital to meet an oncologist and have the necessary tests. After about two weeks I received my diagnosis of Primary Myelofibrosis, Intermediate 1. I was told that treatment options were limited and the only true cure was allogeneic bone marrow transplan
It is tempting to focus all our energies on our hope in medical interventions. But diagnosis brings fear, denial, anger, & depression. These impact your relationships and can throw you into a downward spiral. Being diagnosed with a life-threatening disease like an MPN is an existential challenge. It raises all the questions: Why are we here? What is life about? What lies beyond this life? How you answer these questions will affect how you deal with your disease and its physical effects.
We are all tempted to be sad and maybe even angry. But you do not have to give in to the negative. You can choose to respond with a positive attitude.
My diagnosis has changed the course of my life – but for the better. Because of myelofibrosis, I realized that I was spending far too much of my time and energy focused on some sort of future achievement. I was super-busy every day and the days passed in a blur. But myelofibrosis woke me up to the truth that life is not about some future achievement. Life is about today. Since my diagnosis, I have come to have a heightened enjoyment of the simple pleasures of daily living.
These last six years have been wonderful and I have enjoyed them more because of my disease. My son and his wife have been kind enough to give us two new grandchildren in the past four years – and I am making the most of that. I’ve made many good friends in the MPN community. I took up motorcycle riding. The more aware I am of my mortality – the more I savor every experience of life.
Your life only comes one day at a time. Today is the day you have – make it into something good. Refuse to let an uncertain future rob you of today’s joys.
David shared his story in the MPN Community Connection Newsletter click here to view
David is the support group coordinator for the northern Pennsylvania/Ohio area, if you are interested in participating you can contact us for more information. Click here to contact us.
Inspiring, comforting, and leading the way….